Thursday, January 25, 2018

Uber Frugal Month: Day 22

A cold is the culprit behind my fatigue the last few days. Thus far it is mild, so I'm hoping it passes quickly...

The UFM challenge today is all about DIY and insourcing tasks around the home, and splitting these responsibilities with a partner.
Today’s mantra: Paying for services cements your reliance on money and distances you from your most valuable teammate: your partner. Instead of using chores as an opportunity to grow closer, you’re using money to make the daily realities of your life less real.
Today’s action: Sit down with your partner and discuss what you could insource, both to save money and also to deepen your relationship.

This is timely for us. In one year's time we will be facing the decision whether to sell or rent our home. Regardless of that final decision, the house must be brought to a better condition. We already started the process by going through and making a spreadsheet of everything that needs done. Certain tasks fall on certain people due to our current skills. Mo is definitely more of cleaner, while I am more of a yard cleanup person. We will be using the spreadsheet to guide our weekly and monthly projects over the next year, while trying to oursource as much as possible!

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