In retrospect, the UFM for the day is fitting:
Today’s mantra: I will absolutely make time for the things that matter most.
Today’s action: Examine the underlying reason for any knee-jerk excuses you’re experiencing as part of this challenge.
It was easy to make excuses on our trip, and on Friday we made quite a few. Fortunately, the next day dawned anew and we hadn't gone so far overboard all was lost. We opted to reign things in for Saturday, thus managing to stay at budget by the skin of our teeth. The only failing is that there is no more "fun money" available for January.As for examining the underlying reasons. This is so easy yet complicated. We haven't had a lot of excess during our relationship. We went 11 years without spending as much as an evening out without the kids. When we do get time alone together, which we now make a point of at least once a week, there still seems to be this urge to "make the most of it." There is also this feeling of feast or famine. This undermines everything, though, since over the top feasting only goes to ensure famine later.
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