Monday, January 8, 2018

Uber Frugal Month: Day 7

Other than groceries and bills, we've been successfully pulling off no-spend day after no-spend day! We even kept our entertainment money in our wallet Saturday night. Instead of restaurant + bar, we went grocery shopping, had a wrap at the fancy grocery deli for dinner (they have live music on Saturday's), and came home for a beer and game - or five - of darts!

Speaking of groceries, that was still the theme of the Uber Frugal Challenge:
Today’s mantra: I will eat everything I buy at the grocery store!
Today’s action: Make this week’s grocery list with the above parameters in mind.

As I've mentioned, we are working to cut down on food waste. If it won't be eaten before it spoils, into the freezer it goes. I am also getting better at incorporating these odds and sods into dinners in the weeks after. Meal planning helps a lot. My goal is to work through the freezer stores, as well as a few pantry items that have been languishing. Our grocery list this month is definitely reflecting this, which is helping me bring down overall grocery cost thus far!

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