Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Uber Frugal Month: Day 30

The mid-winter blahs hit me every year in late January and February, and it appears that this year is no exception. The dark, the biting cold, the ice -- every year I come face to face with my own mortality and anxiety steps up the game. The horrible, frenzied anxiety, not the dull, plodding type that is often lurking below the surface. The only shining point is that it doesn't seem as severe as usual. I like to think that is because I am healthier AND I am taking control of life instead of letting circumstances control me.
My beloved Pacific is not perfect. It just is.

The UFM challenge is about perfection today.
Today’s mantra: Imperfection is not only frugal, it’s also liberating.
Today’s action: Acknowledge, and embrace, your imperfections. My favorite way of doing this is by making a list of all the things in my life that aren’t perfect, but that make me happy anyway.
This is fitting, giving my anxiety and the fact that trying to achieve perfection is one of the things I repeatedly do even though it triggers the anxiety! I'm trying to foster a "good enough" mindset, but the fear of failure runs deep. Combine that with the normal background of aging anxiety, and there is then severe anxiety that this failure will be my last chance. I know, a vicious circle. So, things that aren't perfect but that make me happy?
  • My children and spouse, of course ;)
  • My silly old puppy
  • My fluff-butt cats
  • Sometimes myself
  • My schooling, in general
  • My desk in particular, and office set up overall
  • My Prius(nicknames "freedom car" for reasons best saved for a different post!)
  • My outdoor gear - used, sometimes ugly, but always serves me well.
  • My library
  • My moleskine planner
  • My beat up hydroflask
I know there is more, but on this cold January morning the above will have to suffice. So another thing that not perfect but makes me happy? This list!

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